Tiago Ramalho AI research in Tokyo

An introduction to the metropolis method with python Feb 2014 by Tiago Ramalho I already talked about MCMC methods before, but today I want to cover one of the most well known methods of all, Metropolis-Hastings. The goal is to obtain samples according to to the equilibrium distribution of a given physical system, the Boltzmann distribution. Incidentally, we can also rewrite arbitrary probability...
Pinch to zoom in libgdx Feb 2014 by Tiago Ramalho So I was a bit confused how to reproduce the multitouch gesture you often see in mobile gallery apps using libgdx. The idea is to zoom and recenter the viewport such that the points where your fingers are anchored are always the same (in game coordinates). Assuming you don’t need...
Simple pattern formation with cellular automata Feb 2014 by Tiago Ramalho A cellular automaton is a dynamical system where space, time and dynamic variable are all discrete. The system is thus composed of a lattice of cells (discrete space), each described by a state (discrete dynamic variable) which evolve into the next time step (discrete time) according to a dynamic rule....
Pilot waves in fluid dynamics Feb 2014 by Tiago Ramalho This is so cool. Source
The link between thermodynamics and inference Jan 2014 by Tiago Ramalho In recent blog posts I talked a bit about how many aspects of maximum entropy were analogous to methods in statistical physics. In this short post, I’ll summarize the most interesting similarities. In bayesian inference, we are usually interested in the posterior distribution of some parameters $\theta$ given the data...