Tiago Ramalho AI research in Tokyo

An introduction to smoothing time series in python. Part I: filtering theory Apr 2013 by Tiago Ramalho Let’s say you have a bunch of time series data with some noise on top and want to get a reasonably clean signal out of that. Intuition tells us the easiest way to get out of this situation is to smooth out the noise in some way. Which is why...
Neuromorphic computing Mar 2013 by Tiago Ramalho Lately I’ve been giving some thought on quantitative measures for the brain’s processing power. Let us take the number of brain neurons as $10^{11}$ and synapses as $10^{14}$, according to wikipedia. I am going to assume a very simplified computational model for a neuron: \[y_i = \phi\left( \sum_j w_{ij} x_j...
Rays for android Mar 2013 by Tiago Ramalho Another platform I had a go at porting the rays app for was android. This was probably the least enjoyable port I’ve done, not because of the Java language but because there is essentially no decent library to do the kinds of 2D effects the app requires. I researched a...
Creating an application for mac Feb 2013 by Tiago Ramalho I developed my cell segmentation project bigcellbrother on linux but it seems all the experimental collaborators use macs. So now that I have something which kind of half works I decided it was time to compile the application for the mac and create a distributable bundle. I used the lovely macports to install...
Porting the rays app to processing.js Feb 2013 by Tiago Ramalho Over the past few years I have been on a quest to port my old flash web toys to an open platform. Javascript in conjunction with the HTML canvas element seemed to provide a good alternative. So I tried to port one of my favorite toys, the rays app, to processing.js. This...